
Classes and Retreats

Meghan Budd facilitates creative expression workshops and works in collaboration with others to enhance wellness retreats with visual art.

- My workshops provide a fun and welcoming space where participants create freely and joyfully, learning as they play. Students can engage in art for the intrinsic healing properties.  I empower all ages to follow their ideas, take creative risks and immerse in the experience of creating (with little emphasis on the end result). Your journey in life and art is uniquely yours... it beckons you to explore and play, so open your heart to self-expression and self-love.


Connect with me to design an event

Creativity is great for team-building or as a party activity. We can work together to design a custom event for you depending on your needs.

Manifest & Reset FALL 2022

Manifest & Reset Spring 2022


Manifest & Reset Spring 2022


Family workshops:

Creating Together


Vernon BC

Connect to Creativity

With Open Art Ed.

Tap into your creativity and experience the flow of nonjudgmental artistic expression. Participants create a personal artwork based on their intentions to take home and enjoy.

Register today at the Art Centre


Creative play is a series of workshops designed for you to explore and reconnect with your creative side. Here, you can let go of any limiting beliefs about your creativity and discover how creativity can work in your life. Creativity is a practice and a simple way to relax, to recharge, and to reflect. In these workshops you are encouraged connect to your experience and intuition, blocking intrusive thoughts and worries. In the Art studio you will gain skills but are also free to experiment with materials and express yourself in any capacity. You will be guided through workshops where you create individual, meaningful works.


Meghan Budd is a creative art facilitator working with various people and organizations in British Columbia. She facilitates creative expression workshops and works in collaboration with others to enhance wellness retreats with visual art. Working in all realms of visual art, she guides people through the creative process using open-ended themes and questions. Not just an artist, Meghan is also a teacher and a healer - using creative play and humour in her work.